Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

We had a 4:30 wake-up call this morning to bundle up and head out to the farm fields past the hospital and school down our lane to watch the sun rise. It was absolutely fantastic, even though the clouds weren't amazing, because it was a fitting and memorable way to celebrate Jesus rising from the dead (of night) and returning again as the light of the world (day light). Yeay!

This is approximately at 5:07am on our way out to the lane.

Pretty awesome, eh? This is the Oval during the sunrise at about 5:09am. This was the most impressive part of the sky.
I have this fancy camera that my brother gave me and sometimes I just can't be bothered to figure out how to adjust the settings. Thus this picture and the one below are a little wonky, albeit pretty cool.

A house off in the distance as we walked to the field.
The outer limits of Harpenden at about 5:15am. Turns out a fox trotted across this field moments after I took the picture and once again, despite smelling the fox (smell: skunk), I am yet to see one. A great English farm house just outside Harpenden proper.
Some Frost action on our way back from hanging out in the field. (I just realized I didn't take any photos of us in the field).

We finished our morning with Caribou Coffee (thanks to my friends from back home for sending it!) and typical English bacon sandwiches, which actually are thin cuts of ham fried up. Quite fantastic and quite Easterly!

And now you'll notice the weather has changed once again from yesterday for the snow is actually sticking to the ground right now.
It's wicked awesome to see British, Brazilian, and Egyptian friends tromping around in the snow and throwing snowballs during such a bizarre Easter storm. Snow brings so many people together.

1 comment:

Dan and Sarah said...

Beautiful sunrise. We had a white Easter here in central Iowa too! I'm so ready for some green grass and tulips!