Saturday, March 22, 2008

Out Like a Lion

As I write this the sun is shining and there isn't a cloud in the sky. However, that's the fun of English weather, for we're in the midst of a lovely Easter storm of snow, hail, sleet, rain, one confirmed report of a bolt of lightening, and sunshine. This is by far one of the silliest days of weather that I've experienced.

Even though the English are obsessed about the weather, it's a little different than what I'm used to. Back home, obsessions culminate with owning a weather radio, constantly refreshing the NORAD radar on your computer screen at work, tuning into KARE 11 unable to bear the news until the weather comes on (and in some cases unable to bear the weather report until the regularly scheduled program returns to the air), buying weather calendars and comparing the averages with the daily highs and lows, planning your drive home around when the snow is expected to hit, and sitting on your front steps as a severe thunderstorm looms out west.

The obsession with weather here culminates in conversation. When people talk about the weather here, it's as though they're talking about their good, old friend Weather and when it's nasty outside and Weather isn't doing well, well, neither are they. Weather seems to dictate people's attitudes much more here than back home.

Here are a few shots of the action:

On days like today, there's nothing better to do than to sit around drinking coffee and doing some crafts. Here's an embroidery project I stitched up on an old, accidentally felted sweater I found that fits like a, er, sweater.

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