Saturday, March 15, 2008

Spring is in the air

I'm really lucky to be here, to experience an English springtime, for it has been perpetually spring since January 5th, when I arrived here:
"Gumdrop Bush House" a house along my path to High Street at the corner of Ambrose Lane and Hollybush Lane. Since the streets are so twisty here, Gumdrop Bush House helped prevent me from getting lost in the early days of not knowing which way was what around here. Perpetually green.
A flat on the Oval with some creative gardening techniques (daffodils in old red wellies).
A lovely window box down Tennyson Road that I've been admiring for weeks!
Yet another flowering tree doing what it knows best.

Some lovely non-flowering plants at eye level down the hill from their owner's house.And of course, what would spring time be without pansies? There are right outside the St. Albans police station--excellent gardening, bobbies!

And, spring wouldn't be spring without the migration of birds. I've seen green woodpeckers, blue tits, European robins and dozens of other birds I don't recognize! It's been great seeing new things right along side old, familiar things.

Happy spring, everyone!

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